The Wider Curriculum
As a member of Exceed Learning Partnership our vision is to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and mind-set to thrive and then take on the world!
The curriculum at Edlington Victoria Academy is carefully crafted and designed to offer broad and balanced learning experiences, which are progressive and knowledge rich to allow us to achieve our collective vision. Our aim is to create investigative, collaborative, resilient, evaluative and motivated individuals that will question the world and endeavour to find ways to make it better.
Across the curriculum, experiences are founded upon our core values and organised into three key strands:
From research, we know that connections developed within and across these strands, as we build upon pupils’ prior learning, will support children with their long-term acquisition of knowledge and skills. Schemes of learning are planned using subject-specific domains, which ensure progression of substantive knowledge as well as our core values in order to lead to progressive use of disciplinary knowledge- application, synthesis and evaluation. We value the potential of each subject and promote experts within these areas in order to build aspirations for our pupils.
Schemes of learning are planned using a variety of strategies based on current educational research so that pupils leave our school knowing more and remembering more. We aim for children to make connections between the past and the present in order to understand how they could change the future. We use key inspirational people to motivate children to understand how they can make a difference and enhance our learning through trips, visits and other experiences. We want students to leave with all of the knowledge and skills to not only enter the world of work or academia, but also to be equipped to deal with a rapidly changing world.
More information about each subject curriculum can be requested from your child's class teacher. Our overview documents are available on each subject's page. Individual class information is available on the class pages section on this website. Information is also available weekly on Seesaw and Tapestry.