Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do?
At Edlington Victoria Academy, we strive to ensure that all our children are equipped with the mathematical knowledge required to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. This includes varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. Children at EVA will be able to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing argument, justification or proof, using mathematical language.
All children at EVA have the opportunity to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. At EVA, we want children to see that mathematics surround them every day and enjoy developing vital life skills in this subject. We endeavour to make lessons enjoyable and inspiring, leading children to ask questions, research different strategies and evaluate their learning to enable them to become successful, confident learners.
We also aim to help them to understand why maths is an important part of everyday life. At the heart of our curriculum are our core values (Our EVA Learning Animals), when teaching maths we ensure that the children can develop the skills of investigating, evaluating, collaborating, motivation and resilience as well as understanding the importance of having a growth mindset and reflecting on their journey using the learning pit.
Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (C-P-A)
Research shows that all children, when introduced to a new concept, should have the opportunity to build competency by following the CPA approach. This features throughout our schemes of learning.
We understand the importance of basic skills as a foundation for all Maths teaching and build basic skills, arithmetic and mental maths into our daily teaching. We also understand the need for children to be able to verbalise their understanding and explain their reasoning coherently. We teach this as a 'being a mathematician' skills and use vocabulary banks and sentence stems to help children build and prepare their answers.
What do we teach? What does this look like?
Our whole curriculum is shaped by our Trust and academy vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, and to flourish to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be.
At Edlington Victoria Academy, we use the White Rose scheme for Years 1 to 6 to plan high quality, differentiated and interactive lessons, which ensure continuous progression, small step learning and challenge for all learners. Children are introduced to a range of models and images to support them in understanding the concepts of different operations through variation and representation. This allows children build to confidence and fluency in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills leading to automaticity.
Our teaching sequences follow the National Curriculum’s guidance on developing three key mathematical skills:
To see the content of the mathematics curriculum we follow in each Year Group, please visit;
Teaching for Mastery
As a school, we follow a Mastery approach towards maths in a collaborative network with the South Yorkshire Maths Hub. Teaching for mastery describes a classroom practise which enables children of all ages acquiring a long term understanding of the subject.
Early Number
In nursery, we follow the 'master the curriculum' scheme as we recognise that it is aligned with White Rose Maths and the National Curriculum to set our children up with the basic maths skills that they will need as they progress in to Reception and beyond.
We teach Maths daily for 15 minutes, following the planning progression in both whole class and small group situations. At EVA, we aim for our children to leave nursery with a secure number knowledge to 5, including exploring compositions of each number, representing 5 in different ways and with secure numeral recognition.
In Reception we follow the NCETM scheme as this provides pupils with strong foundations in cardinality, comparison, composition, pattern, shape and space and measures.
We teach NCETM Maths four days per week for 15 minutes, following the planning progression as a whole class.We follow this with a small group application session each week. We also have 4 'carpet maths' sessions per week where we teach basic skills and practise new concepts. At EVA, we aim for our children to leave reception with a secure number knowledge to 10, including exploring compositions of each number, representing numbers in different ways and with secure numeral recognition and formation.
At Edlington Victoria we use ‘Number Sense- Number Facts’ in KS1 a- systematic and structured programme ensures children develop visual models of number, a deep understanding of number and number relationships, and fluency in addition and subtraction facts.
Times Tables
Knowing times table facts and how they work is a fundamental part of Mathematics. They link into many areas of Maths and are essential knowledge to success in later stages of education. The National Curriculum sets out that pupils should know all times tables up to 12 x 12 including inverse division facts by the end of year 4.
We use ‘Number Sense- Times Tables’- The highly visual, research informed programme provides the structure and depth to times tables teaching that children need to achieve fluency in essential multiplication and division facts and concepts. A true Mastery programme, designed to achieve fluency for every child without exception.
F1 Long Term Plan Mathematics
FS2 Long Term Plan Mathematics