Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do?
At Edlington Victoria Academy, we aim for pupils to acquire a passion for history which develops their sense of curiosity about the past and their understanding of how and why people interpret the past in different ways.
It is our ambition that children become historians. In order for this to be achieved, children need to have:
Substantive knowledge and understanding of historical people, events and contexts, as well as disciplinary historical concepts and processes.
The ability to think, reflect, debate and evaluate the past, formulating and refining questions and lines of enquiry.
A desire to embrace challenging activities, including opportunities to undertake high-quality research across a range of history topics.
The ability to consistently support, evaluate and challenge their own and others’ views using detailed, appropriate and accurate historical evidence derived from a range of sources.
A respect for historical evidence and the ability to make robust and critical use of it to support their explanations and judgments.
The ability to think critically about history and confidently communicate ideas.
What do we teach? What does this look like?
At Edlington Victoria Academy, our long term plan for the wider curriculum is divided in to 3 strands; Identity and Social Justice (Autumn term); Power, Leadership and Invasion (Spring term) and Sustainability and the Impact on the World (Summer term). Through these strands, a sequential History curriculum is delivered. Units of learning are linked under historical eras or significant events. These units are planned with an overarching inquiry question, examples of these units are -
Timelines are introduced as a concept in EYFS using the children’s experiences, such as the sequence of events during their lives. This is then built on throughout KS1 and KS2 where timelines are used to reinforce the length, overlap and connections between different eras in history. Teachers make connections and draw comparisons between the different time periods that the children have studied to help them to understand change over time.
The History Curriculum at Edlington Victoria Academy has been structured to ensure that current learning is linked to previous learning, making use of the immediate and wider local area, enabling children to develop a deep understanding of the rich history in their locality.
Our units of learning ensure that the National Curriculum is fully covered and that progression occurs across all year groups. The delivery of history through these units provide consistency across the academy, ensuring that the pupils receive a broad and ambitious curriculum for all, supporting all pupils and providing challenge at all levels in order to develop children’s substantive and disciplinary knowledge.
Edlington Victoria Academy History Overview