Uniform Information

School Uniform

Red cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt. Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore. White shirt or blouse. Sensible flat heeled, black shoes. PE kit, red t-shirt, black shorts, black pumps, tracksuit may be worn for outside PE when the weather is cold.
It is important that every item of school clothing should have the name of your child marked clearly on the label.

Jewellery and Earrings. 

Children are not allowed to wear jewellery at school on health and safety grounds.   Pupils are allowed to wear a plain watch and a single pair of stud earrings. Looped earrings are not permitted.
Earrings must not be worn for PE. We advise that your child does not wear earrings on the days they have PE or games. Alternatively, if you child does wear earrings on these days, they will be asked to remove them.  Newly pierced earrings that can not be taken out will need to be covered with plasters, it is the parents responsibility to send their children with plasters for PE.

Indoor PE - Foundation 2 to Year 6

Girls- PE shorts and Red T-Shirt and black pumps
Boys - PE shorts and Red T-Shirt and black pumps
Red T-shirt and shorts should be plain and one colour. Children are not permitted to wear clothes with printed images or large sports logos. Football shirts are also not permitted.

Outdoor PE - Foundation 2 to Year 6

Children will require pumps or training shoes for outdoor work. Trainers for PE must be different to those worn in school during the day.
It may also be a good idea for your child to bring a tracksuit for outdoor PE as we will continue to encourage outdoor PE sessions to take place outside in winter months when weather permits.

School Uniform Policy