Policies & Risk Assessments

School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

We also adhere to Exceed Learning Partnership Trust policies and these can be found by following the link below:

Useful Links

Exceed Learning Partnership Policies



Active Travel Policy

Admissions Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

British Values Policy

Child Friendly Anti-bullying policy

Pupils Who Abscond Policy

Accessibility Plan Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour & Rewards Policy

Charging & Remissions Policy

Complaints Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

First Aid Policy 2023-2026

Geography Policy

Governor Visits Policy

History Policy

Intimate Care Policy

Managing Medicines Policy

Photography and Filming in School Policy

Safeguarding & Child Protection

Keeping Children Safe in Education

School Uniform Policy

SEND Policy

Separated Parents Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

No Smoking Or Vaping Policy

Health & Wellbeing Policy

Relationship & Sex Education Policy

Online Safety & Security

Health & Safety Policy

Home & Remote Working Policy

ELP-Staff Code Of Conduct

Academy Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Anti-Fraud & Bribery Policy

CCTV & Surveillance Policy

Competitive Tendering & Procurement Policy

Confidentiality Policy

Data Protection Policy

Data Retention Policy

Dinner Money Policy

Director & Governor Allowance Policy

Finance Policy & Procedure

GDPR Privacy Policy

Gifts & Hospitality Policy

ICT Acceptable Use ICT Pupils Policy

ICT Acceptable Use ICT Staff, Visitors & Pupils Policy

Lettings Policy

Managing Asbestos Policy

Managing Parent & Visitor Conduct Policy

Mobile Phones In School Policy

Low Level Concerns Policy

Premises Management Policy

Publication Scheme & Freedom Of Information Policy

Safer Recruitment Policy

Scheme Of Delegation Policy

Uncollected Child Policy